Northern Nevada
Washoe Pregnancy Center
975 Ryland #105
Reno Nevada 89502
775 982-5654
Lynn Anderson CNM
Laurie Whitaker CNM
Susan Gaunt CNM
Tami Bauman APN
Providing: OB care from conception through delivery with first two weeks pediatric
care included; Cost is calculated on a sliding scale based on patients ability to pay, Medicaid welcome, Deliver at
Washoe Medical Center.
Sacred Hoop Midwifery Services--Susanne Scott Rosenfeld LM, CPM
P.O. Box 2495
Kings Beach CA 96143
530 546-9161
Providing: Women-centered care for pregnant and birthing families. It is my
pleasure to provide a compassionate and safe home birth alternative. It is my belief that the mother-baby bond is our
first and most important relationship we experience. As a midwife, I am committed to nurturing, preserving and protecting
that significant relationship.