Northern Nevada
Lucy's Sewing Basket--Lucy Peters
4570 Stonegate Lane
Reno, Nevada 89503
775 747-0374 Home
775 742-8395 Cell
Provides: Handsewn, Custom Designed Baby items. Blankets, unique Diaper Bags, Shopping basket
blanket inserts, Carseat covers. Custom designed Baby Rooms, coordinating Quilts, Dust Ruffles, Bumper Pads. Tooth
Fairy Pillows.
Pampered Chef--Lucy Peters
4570 Stonegate Lane
Reno, Nevada 89503
775 747-0374 Home
775 742-8395 Cell
Description: Quality Kitchen Tools, Fabulous Recipes and Cookbooks, Home Parties, Tips to make your time in the
kitchen quick and easy. One of the most respected home business companies in the US. and very compatible with family
life. Call Lucy to find out how to start.
Indepedent Sales Consultant, UBB's Natural Family Boutique--Raina Kolstrup
3395 Rauscher Dr.
Reno, Nevada 89503
775 554-0345
Description: Pro-Breastfeeding, Pro-Attachment Parenting, Eco-Friendly products from conception to adulthood.
Natural Products for your Natural Family.
Kelly's Kards--Kelly Holmes
775 338-9605
Description: Unique handmade greeting cards, birthday invitations, baby shower invitations and baby